+140k skills labelled
+40k roles defined and linked to skills
Analyses based on both hard and soft skills
Get a complete overview of skills in a profile and understand the implicit skills one has
Actonomy Skills Analyzer creates a comprehensive skills profile by extracting and listing both hard and soft skills from a candidate’s or employee’s profile. I
t doesn’t just identify explicitly mentioned skills (e.g., from a CV) but also infers related skills based on context.
Additionally, it incorporates AI-generated skills—those typically associated with similar profiles or roles, identified through machine learning. The result? An exceptionally rich and complete overview of a person’s skills!

Recruiting technology that understands experience, hard and soft skills
Actonomy’s smart searching and matching software is combining the advantages of human and artificial intelligence. The software is digging deep into the meaning and interpretation of words and concepts. To do so, it takes advantage of Actonomy’s unique and huge database of concepts and meanings: its ontology.
Fitted to plug in your existing ATS/CRM system
Fitted to plug in your existing ATS/CRM system
Actonomy’s ATS/CRM plug-in is an addition to its existing API-integration software as used by many of Actonomy’s partners. Ideally fitted to be plugged in in existing ATS or CRM-systems. Here are a few convincing reasons why you should tap in:
- Same smart technology as in API-integrated software
- ‘Off the shelf’ product: you get an activation code and can start using it right away
- Friendly and self-explaining user interface
- Pre-defined functionality and standard interface with ATS/CRM
- Designed for smooth integration with third party providers, such as Carerix or Bullhorn
Truly unique is the ‘Actonomy Insight’ functionality: an interactive way to match candidates and vacancies using your own ‘on-the-spot’ parameters. It even allows you to switch between matching based on experience or on skills.
Intrigued? Interested? Want to try?
Get in touch to discuss the best solution for you.
Plug & play & find:
no integration needed, activation within your ATS/CRMAdvanced semantic searching & matching,
offering ranked results, all in just one clickMatching scores, matching details, gap analysis
‘Actonomy Insight’:
interactively set your own matching modelsSwitch between experience and skills based matching
Use external candidate pools or jobsites