
Unique screening of candidates and talent …

Proud users of our recruitment software

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“We were looking for clever technology to guide search and filtering in the right direction. The technology of xMP does exactly that.”

Broes Sanders

How Roularta uses Actonomy
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“The power and full complexity of Actonomy’s software is built in our easy-to-use recruitment software.”

Leon Buijsman

How Ubeeo uses Actonomy
tigris logo small
“Actonomy’s xMP turned out to be easily implemented in our own Salesforce look & feel. This flawless integration makes it a perfect solution for Tigris.”

Maikel Neelen

How Tigris uses Actonomy
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“Actonomy is a bunch of highly professional experts, always open for dialogue. They never speak about ‘problems’: rather they see ‘interesting challenges’.”

Dina Mestikawi

How Index Advertsdata uses Actonomy

Recruiting technology that understands experience, hard and soft skills

Actonomy’s smart searching and matching software is combining the advantages of human and artificial intelligence. The software is digging deep into the meaning and interpretation of words and concepts. To do so, it takes advantage of Actonomy’s unique and huge database of concepts and meanings: its ontology.

Learn about our solutions
Actonomy ATS plug-ins

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